Stop and Search: Know Your Rights

Abdul and Sunil examined the corridor. There were no teachers around. The coast was clear. “Where do you wanna cotch today?” Abdul asked. “Guess?” Sunil replied. Abdul thought for a moment and then smiled. They felt like they were doing a ‘mission impossible,’ like a couple of movie actors; a bit like ‘Tango & Cash.’ […]

Bad Boyz: Is it worth it?

Abdul and Sunil examined the corridor. There were no teachers around. The coast was clear. “Where do you wanna cotch today?” Abdul asked. “Guess?” Sunil replied. Abdul thought for a moment and then smiled. They felt like they were doing a ‘mission impossible,’ like a couple of movie actors; a bit like ‘Tango & Cash.’ […]

The Volunteer Xperience!

Being a volunteer with Haaya has been amazing. My role in this particular capacity is unlike any other I’ve ever had and this in itself is the challenge, which I set out to achieve every Friday. Volunteers and Workers It is as much of a personal expectation to fulfil my role to the best of […]

Controlled Drinking Zone

CDZs are areas designated by the council in which there has been nuisance, annoyance or disorder associated with the consumption of alcohol. A CDZ is not a ban and does not make drinking alcohol in public an offence. CDZs Zones If the police believe there is alcohol-related antisocial behaviour occurring, they can request people to […]

Qualifications & Choices

Would you like the opportunity for personal development, acquiring new skills, meeting new people, raising your self esteem and gaining more confidence to participate in helping your community? The HAAYA girls group provides constructive activities and social contact for young girls between the ages of 11 and 19. We also work towards promoting equal opportunities […]

Lets Talk Unemployment

Over the past couple of years, the increase in the number of people umemployed in the UK has increased. The financial crisis in 2008 affected employement firgures all over the world! This has caused many concerns amongst young people. One in five 16-25 years olds cannot get a job and many have been looking for […]

Students Work to Develop Skills For CV’s

A study of nearly 5,000 university students undertaken by Endsleigh Insurance and the National Union for Students has revealed that 87% of working university students do so to develop skills for their CV. National Union for Students The costs of studying full time at university still play a big part in driving university students out […]

How to Write an Essay

Before you start! Read the question: Reread it and then read it again. What is it asking exactly? You may write a fabulous essay but if you don’t answer the question you could get a mark of zero. Underline the key points that need to be addressed and make sure you cover all of them […]