Mothers & Toddlers Group

This is another service provided by HAAYA. Weekly sessions are held in which young mothers in the community are provided the opportunity to come and relax and meet other young mothers in the area. Weekly Sessions This is another service provided by HAAYA. Weekly sessions are held in which young mothers in the community are […]
Start Your Own Business ?

Gain an OCN qualification. Complete The BEE Porject OCN Qualification and receive money to help with setting up your Company with Companies House for FREE. Entrepreneurs Learn important skills from successful business leaders and entrepreneurs. 1 week work experience placement. Learn how to raise funds for your business idea and make it become a REALITY. […]
Boys Hub

The HAAYA boys club has been a place for young people to come and relax, chill and get advice since 2001.Every week the Friday evening club range of activities includes, football, workshops, basketball, pool, table tennis, bowling, badminton and self-defence classes. Exciting Activities The mix of fun and exciting activities, complimented by accredited training and […]
Girls Hub

Would you like the opportunity for personal development, acquiring new skills, meeting new people, raising your self esteem and gaining more confidence to participate in helping your community? The HAAYA girls group provides constructive activities and social contact for young girls between the ages of 11 and 19. We also work towards promoting equal opportunities […]
Saturday School

Set-up in February 2002 and open to all, the Haaya Saturday School aims to tackle under-achievement in particular focusing on young people from an Asian and African background.
Girls Group 4

NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) involve doing practical, work-related tasks in the workplace or in settings similar to the workplace – like a carpentry or garage workshop within a college if you’re training to become a carpenter or a car mechanic, for example. Many employers allow you to study for an NVQ in work time and NVQs are available in hundreds of different subjects – the most popular of which are Business and Administration, Hairdressing, Supporting Teaching (Teaching Assistant), Team Leading, Childcare and Education and Health & Social Care. Most courses are run from Levels 1-5.
Girls Group 3

NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) involve doing practical, work-related tasks in the workplace or in settings similar to the workplace – like a carpentry or garage workshop within a college if you’re training to become a carpenter or a car mechanic, for example. Many employers allow you to study for an NVQ in work time and NVQs are available in hundreds of different subjects – the most popular of which are Business and Administration, Hairdressing, Supporting Teaching (Teaching Assistant), Team Leading, Childcare and Education and Health & Social Care. Most courses are run from Levels 1-5.
Girls Group 2

NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) involve doing practical, work-related tasks in the workplace or in settings similar to the workplace – like a carpentry or garage workshop within a college if you’re training to become a carpenter or a car mechanic, for example. Many employers allow you to study for an NVQ in work time and NVQs are available in hundreds of different subjects – the most popular of which are Business and Administration, Hairdressing, Supporting Teaching (Teaching Assistant), Team Leading, Childcare and Education and Health & Social Care. Most courses are run from Levels 1-5.
Girls Group

NVQs (National Vocational Qualifications) involve doing practical, work-related tasks in the workplace or in settings similar to the workplace – like a carpentry or garage workshop within a college if you’re training to become a carpenter or a car mechanic, for example. Many employers allow you to study for an NVQ in work time and NVQs are available in hundreds of different subjects – the most popular of which are Business and Administration, Hairdressing, Supporting Teaching (Teaching Assistant), Team Leading, Childcare and Education and Health & Social Care. Most courses are run from Levels 1-5.