Abdul and Sunil examined the corridor. There were no teachers around. The coast was clear. “Where do you wanna cotch today?” Abdul asked. “Guess?” Sunil replied. Abdul thought for a moment and then smiled. They felt like they were doing a ‘mission impossible,’ like a couple of movie actors; a bit like ‘Tango & Cash.’

Mission Impossible

Their crumpled blue and white stripey school ties, shortened down to a few inches. “Yeah, we’re cool ‘n’ slick” they thought to themselves as they moved across and busted into the boy’s school toilets. Two other boys who were in there got out fast as they could, they knew Abdul and Sunil as the toughest boys in the school.

Abdul lit a fag and sat down on a toilet seat. “This is the good life bro,” he said. No teachers ever came in here; the smell was too bad. But it didn’t bother the two ‘bad boyz.’ They came into these toilets every Maths, Science and IT lessons, in fact they came down to cotch in the toilets whenever they could. It was as if they had grown attached to the place. “Lessons aint important,” they thought to themselves.

Someone once told them that GCSEs were a piece of cake. Basically all you had to do (they thought) was start going to the lessons a month before exams, and start saying their prayers about two weeks before the exams. “God will help us get good grades, Sunil thought.They had their plan ‘sowted’. They wanted to stay ‘big.’ They wanted to stay the ‘bad boyz.’

If we get to lessons, we might end up looking like Ahmad Ali” Abdul thought with worry. Ahmad was one of the best students in the class. He came to school to learn, and was going to leave with good grades. But he wasn’t a ‘rude boy’ like them. Ahmad Ali actually got on with the teachers, tried his best at everything, even the boring subjects. He was even nice to Abdul and Sunil.
Fast forward 10 years…

Ahmad Ali smiled to himself. He was the headmaster of his old school now. He took his shoes off and leaned back into his executive chair, and clasped his hands around his head. “You two did a good job with cleaning the toilets, but I think that there’s still room for improvement. Now off you go” “Yes Boss,” replied the two cleaners as they walked back sadly to complete their clean up job of the boy’s loo. One carried a mucky toilet brush and sponge, while the other carried a mop and bucket.

Ahmad knew these two toilet cleaners very well. He knew them more than 10 years ago as ‘Tango & Cash’ or Abdul and Sunil. They had been the ‘rude boyz‘ of the school and had completely flopped their GCSEs. No GCSEs meant no jobs for them, so headmaster Ahmed offered to take them on with what he thought they had always done best: ‘cotchin’ in the toilet. Bunking lessons wasn’t so cool after all…

By Anonymous

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Reflecting on my academic journey, I can confidently assert that the Saturday School initiative orchestrated by HAAYA played a pivotal role in my success, particularly in conquering the complexities of GCSE Maths. I cannot overstate the significance of their unwavering support and guidance. To anyone grappling with educational challenges, I unequivocally advocate seeking assistance from HAAYA

I enjoy coming to HAAYA it’s a place I can hang out with my friends.

I really had fun with the workshops and learnt more about the environment.

HAAYA is great! I especially enjoy the residential trips. I remember one time we went to Brenscombe outdoor centre and we were taught how to drive a speed boat, I loved it!