Hall Hire

Host with Ease – Explore Our Hall Hire Options Today!

Hire Charges and Booking Procedures


The HIRER means the person whose name & signature appear on the Hire Agreement. The PREMISES means Haaya Community Hall (HCH), grounds. Haaya is the owner of the PREMISES and is in charge of the management and operation of the PREMISES, with whom the HIRER enters into a Hire Agreement. The HIRER should be aware that the ‘Hall Information’ poster, which can be found on the notice board in the HCH foyer, provides information about the PREMISES facilities and their usage. Supplementary notices are positioned around the building, providing additional instructions and advice on use and operation of the facilities/equipment. Please contact the Bookings Secretariat if clarification is required about any element of the booking. In the event of an emergency occurring, the name and telephone number of the person to be contacted is provided on the main notice board in the HCH noticeboard.

Hire Charges

  1. The hire charges for HCH are set out in the table below. These will be reviewed annually. Organisations that hire HCH on a regular basis will be given 2 months’ notice of any change to the rates of hire. Hire charges will be published on Haaya’s website.
  2. A £200 refundable deposit will be charged. This deposit will be returned provided that the hall is left clean and tidy and there is no damage. Haaya Committee reserve the right to retain all or part of the deposit in circumstances where:
    1. there is damage to the Hall, its fixtures and fittings, or other property within the Hall
    2. additional cleaning is required
    3. rubbish is not taken away

No booking will be confirmed until all monies are paid. Cheques should be made payable to Haaya.

Table of Hire Charges

Community Day (09:00 - 17:00) Half Day (4 Hours) Per Hour
Main Hall
Main Hall:

* suitable for conferences, events and parties
* kitchenette area adjacent to hall
* tables and chairs available
* capacity 80 -100

Booking Procedures

Casual bookings:

  1. Request for booking is received by email/phone/post by the Bookings Secretariat. If required room(s) is/are available and the request is suitable, the Bookings Secretariat will provisionally book the time and send a Booking Form and Hire Agreement via email to the HIRER.
  2. The HIRER should complete the Booking Form and Hire Agreement and return to the Bookings Secretariat with a cheque to be retained as a Bond/Deposit and a cheque for the hire of the room(s) which will be cashed (or pay by electronic bank transfer).
  3. The Bookings Secretariat returns a copy of the Hire Agreement with Terms and Conditions to the HIRER.
  4. After the event the Bond/Deposit cheque is returned to the customer, providing the HIRER has, in the opinion of Haaya, complied with the terms and conditions as outlined in this document, and there is no damage to the building.

Regular Bookings:

  1. HIRER sends an email to the Bookings Secretariat at least 2 weeks before the start of term with the required dates for the term (or longer) ahead.
  2. The Bookings Secretariat sends a copy of the Hire Agreement to the HIRER to be signed and invoices the HIRER for the first month’s bookings (or whole term if preferred).
  3. The HIRER returns a cheque (or pays by electronic bank transfer) to the Bookings Secretariat for the invoiced amount, plus returns the signed Hire Agreement.
  4. The Bookings Secretariat then sends an invoice to the HIRER for each subsequent month’s bookings 2 weeks before the start of each month (if applicable). Full payment for the hire, and Bond/Deposit, must be received in advance of the event.


The Hire Charge covers use of the tables and chairs owned by HCH and the use of the Kitchen facilities. Hire does not include items stored by other users. The hire period paid for includes time for setting-up and taking-down, as well as time to enter and exit the PREMISES.

These hire charges are correct at the date of issue on 11th January 2024.

Hiring Agreement for Haaya Community Hall

THIS AGREEMENT is made on …………………day of 2024

BETWEEN Haaya of 41a Ivy Road , Hounslow , TW3 2DH (“HCH”) and the person(s) or body named below whereby in consideration of the sum(s) mentioned in paragraph 3 below:-

A. The Haaya agrees to permit the Hirer to use the Haaya Community Hall, with kitchen, for the purposes and period(s) and at the hiring fee specified below:-

  1. Purpose of Hiring
  2. Period of Hiring


Date ………………………………………
Hours from ………………………………………….. to ………………………

Approximate number of participants: (Childrens)