Over the past couple of years, the increase in the number of people umemployed in the UK has increased. The financial crisis in 2008 affected employement firgures all over the world!

This has caused many concerns amongst young people. One in five 16-25 years olds cannot get a job and many have been looking for work for more than 6 months. Some have branded this the ‘lost generation’ and say it could last for approximately 20 years. Being a world wide issue, many business sectors have called on urgent and immediate action on youth unemployement as they will shape the FUTURE. Finding employement is important for young people, getting their foot in the door, learning new skills, building their CV.

One way the government has considered to tackle this problem is by introducing a number of government funded apprenticeships. In addition, a 1 billion youth contract scheme has been set up to get young people into education or employement. Support is being offered to employers to take on unemployed young adults. There have also been schemes to help young people start up their own businesses. A number of job fairs are running as well as CV workshops and basic skill classes. Furthermore, there has been an increase in the number of work placement opportunities. Employers have been offered incentive payments for taking on apprentices.

There are a number of things which help and increase chances of getting into employement:

  • Become a volunteer

This is an excellent way to develop new skills. Not only do you benefit but you also give something back to your community. As a volunteer you have decided to dedicate some of your free time showing motivation and enthusiam.

  • Apprenticeships

Learn and train on the job. Apprenticeships are one of the best ways to get your foot in the door. Get paid to train !

  • Training courses

Enhance your skills furher and become more knowledgable. Many empoloyers provide training schemes, show you are enthusiastic about working for them. Increase your PRODUCTIVITY.

  • CV workshops

Are you not happy with your CV? Not sure what to put in it or how to layer it ? Don’t worry there are many of CV workshops out there; libraries, the job centre, education centres etc.

  • Get careers advice

Your advisor will assess your current situation and find the best options for you. They offer you guidance, help you make decisions overall improving your perfomance and chances of finding a job.

  • Be aware of your local opportunnities and youth services

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Reflecting on my academic journey, I can confidently assert that the Saturday School initiative orchestrated by HAAYA played a pivotal role in my success, particularly in conquering the complexities of GCSE Maths. I cannot overstate the significance of their unwavering support and guidance. To anyone grappling with educational challenges, I unequivocally advocate seeking assistance from HAAYA

I enjoy coming to HAAYA it’s a place I can hang out with my friends.

I really had fun with the workshops and learnt more about the environment.

HAAYA is great! I especially enjoy the residential trips. I remember one time we went to Brenscombe outdoor centre and we were taught how to drive a speed boat, I loved it!